Oct 26, 2020
Someone wrote the perfect authentication system but its only weakness is that the previous password must be stored in the file.
For this chalange we where given url with a hosted php code
<?php $prev_pass = "66842480683974257935677681585401189190148531340690145540123461534603155084209704"; if(isset($_GET["password"])){ if(mb_strlen($_GET["password"], 'utf8') < strlen($prev_pass)){ if(strlen($_GET["password"]) > mb_strlen($prev_pass, 'utf8')){ $input_h = password_hash($_GET["password"], PASSWORD_BCRYPT); if(password_verify($prev_pass, $input_h)){ echo exec("cat flag.txt"); die(); }else{ echo "Are you trying to hack me?!"; die(); } }else{ echo "Nope"; die(); } }else{ echo ":/"; die(); } }else{ highlight_file(__FILE__); die(); } ?>
Ok lets break it down.
Reading the source code, we can see that the server is :
Take a parameter called password from the user
if(mb_strlen($_GET["password"], 'utf8') < strlen($prev_pass))
Make sure that the user input is smaller than the previous password lenght
if(strlen($_GET["password"]) > mb_strlen($prev_pass, 'utf8'))
Make sure that the user input is bigger than the previous password lenght
$input_h = password_hash($_GET["password"], PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
Create a new hash using the CRYPT_BLOWFISH algorithm.
if(password_verify($prev_pass, $input_h))
Verify if the new generated hash match the previous password
If all those previous condition where met we will get our flag exec("cat flag.txt");
The problem here reside in the 2nd and 3d condition, As we know mb_strlen()
return the number of characters, on the other hand strlen()
return the number of bytes, we can abuse this and provide a password that is smaller in character numbers and greater when it comes to bytes.
We simply take the last character or two on the previous password wich is 4 and convert it into a non readable UTF-32 hex value :
-> �
-> 668424806839742579356776815854011891901485313406901455401234615346031550842097�
Now our password is 79 character lenght and 81 bytes.
Flag : RaziCTF{w3ll_d0nE_go_0n_to_THE_n3xT_OnE}